Wah, dah laammmaaa sangat tak update blog ni! Rindu nyer...
Tapi, tu lah, tak de cite yg best nak share....
Hmm...kalau ada pun, xbest la kan klu share perkara yg tidak menyeronokkan. kan??
Ok lah, sejak posting ke sini bermula Mei tahun lepas, saya tak pernah share anythig about school. Realize it or not?
Sedar tak sedar, hampir setahun saya di sini. Bergelumang dengan perangai anak didik Masa update eoperasi, mata ni terpaku pada tarikh persaraan.... iaitu xx.xx.2048 ! Mak aih, lama lagiii! Baru tersedar dalam masa tak sampai setahun jadi guru tetap ni, rasa macam dah lama jd cikgu....huhu. Dah macam2 ragam perangai anak murid yg jumpa.
Dalam banyak2 tugasan selain mengajar, tugas sebagai guru kelas adalah yang paling renyuh. Tapi, saya sangat suka dengan kerja sebagai guru tingkatan! Guru tingkatan tu ibarat ibu bapa kedua semasa di sekolah. Guru tingkatan la yang buat everything tentang anak2 murid di bawah jagaannya. Semua maklumat tentang pelajar tu diketahui. And, I did learn so many things through this task as a form teacher. Itu termasuk la form teacher jugak yg ajar diorang main bola jaring utk 1M1S yang dipertandingkan inter-class.
Dan, utk tahun ni, sy pegang kelas yg namanya DAFFODIL!
I do love all of you my Daffodilians! Dengan semua leteran, nasihat dan denda yang diberi, teacher did it just because I love you!
Alhamdulillah, my Daffodilians are obedient although they are in the 9th class out of 11. Still mendengar kata even kerja rumah yg diberi always ''siap''...huhu
Last year, I taught them Maths, while this year Science.
Being the form teacher makes me feel as a mom to 37 sons and daughters. Hard to manage but satisfy when my duty finished on time.
Honestly, when I first came here last year, I felt that the students of this school are aweful. So much discipline cases, disrespectful towards teachers, etc. Every single day, I missed my previous school a lot. Which school do u think? Of course the school during my practicum session ! Every days and nights, I missed those moments in that school...and tears flow down my cheecks...
But soon I realized that Allah SWT brings me here, to this current school must be for something good that I don't know. InsyaAllah, day by day, the love will grow bit by bit. I pray that my love for my students will make them feel and realize that education and school are very important.
Pray that they will be a better person day by day. Amin.
a good daughter will become a good mother.......
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