To my beloved blog readers, I wanna thank you for you support towards my blog.
Now, the counter hit the number 1190. I wonder who are all of you, my readers? Anyway, no matter who you are, where you are from, as long as you give me support in blogging, I really appreciate it so much. I love all of you... (^_^)

Ok, now I'm gonna share my story with you.
Today, I had my Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), N4 Level.
The test site has changed from UPM to Confusian Secondary High School, Kuala Lumpur.
So, it is nearer to the bus stand which serve the bus service KL-TM.
''Shiken wa dou datta?''
Minna wa sore to iimasu ka? Sou to omoimasu ne... comment. ^^
When the result come out soon, I'll tell you.
Zehi oshiete kureru.

Today, I went to the test site with someone.
Since she doesn't want anyone to know that she sit for the exam (which is higher level of JLPT),
so here I just want to mention her as X.
I really appreciate her kindness. X fetched me and we went together to the test site.
Zenbu arigatou gozaimashita.
Watashi ni nihongo wo oshiete kurete, iroiro na koto wo hanashite, hontou ni arigatou gozaimashita.
Actually this entry is to share with all of you about the mission accomplished list items, which are already hit my goal for this semester.
Here you go:
1) final year project (thesis) - completed
2) all exams are officially over (as UPSI student)
3) Learn basic Arabic - yeah! (my 5th language... urayamashii janakute mo ii yo..hehe)
4) learn Japanese until JLPT N4 taken - I did it today!!
5) ...........................
Actually banyak lagi nk list ni. tapi, better keep it for myself. Taisetsuna momento desu kara ^^
Lps habis test tu, stay kejap sbb janji ngn kawan kt mtrx dlu nk jumpa.
Dh hmpir 4 tahun kot x jumpa.
Tp nasib x menyebelahi kami.
Dia tiba2 ada emergency case. so. xjumpa la tadi.
Takpe la Anim ek, kita jumpa lain kali.
Aku xkecik ati pn ko xdpt dtg tadi.
sungguh ni, rindu sgt kt ko.
ko la kawan yg xpernah wat aku tension..huhu
So, aku pn pegi la kejap ke MidValley semata-mata nk beli TAKOYAKI.
Coz may be this time is the last time for me to come here for this year, so I grab the chance to buy it since I'm already in KL, right?
I love takoyaki so much.
Takoyaki wa ichiban nihon ryouri ga suki desu!
Klu g KL, pemandangan yg biasa dilihat adalah couple yg bersepah-sepah.
Korang muhasabah la skit.
Aku xnk cakap bnyk.
Aku ni sape la kan nk cakap bnyk2.
Fikir-fikirkan la dgn akal yg Allah S.W.T anugerahkan.
Cuba tgk gmbr ni...

Ok lah, setakat ni dulu membebel kali ni. Mesti korang cakap apa la blog Lilin Cinta Cikgu ni, merojakkan bahasa. Kejap BI, pastu Japanese, pastu Malay pn guna jgk. Minta maaf ek. Apa yg ditulis ni adalah monolog. Jadi, apa yg ada dlm hati dan di fikiran , yg terbit adalah dalam pelbagai bahasa.
Gomen ne (T.T)