Hello everyone!
Today, I would like to share with you some of the phrases that we definitely use them during buying things.Almost every we deal with buy-sell business right?
So, hopefully those phrases will help you and don't feel shy to apply and use them in everyday life.
How much does it cost? = Ikura desu ka
いくら ですか
It is expensive, isn't it? = Takai desu ne
高い ですね
It is nice, isn't it? = Kirei desu ne
きれい ですね
Where is this made? = kore wa doko no seihin desu ka
これ は どこ の せいひん ですか
This is made in Malaysia = Malaysia-sei desu
マレーシア せい です
Can you make it a little cheaper? = chotto makete kuremasen ka
ちょっと まけて くれませんか
Can I buy it on credit? = shinyoogashi de kau koto ga dekimasu ka
しにょうがし で かう こと が できますか
Does this have a guarantee? = kore wa hoshou tsuki desu ka
これ は ほしょうつき ですか
May I try on this shirt? = kono shatsu o kite mite mo ii desu ka
この シャツ を きて みて もいいですか
What is the size? = saizu wa dono gurai desu ka
サイズ は どのぐらい ですか
I like this = watashi wa kore ga suki desu
私は これ が 好き です
Give me that, please = Kore o kudasai
これ を ください
Please give me a receipt = reshiito o kudasai
レシイト を ください
How do you feel now? More confidence to speak Japanese while shopping? Just try it and let's share here how do you find those phrases useful for you.
Let's enjoy the lesson!
If you have any comment, just leave your message,ok? (^-^)
I would like to hear something from you, my blog readers!
Ja ne..
Permata ‘Akal Budi’ yang Hilang
1 day ago
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