Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Habis sudah


Da jia hao! Jin tian kelas Bahasa Mandarin Komunikasi II sudah tamat! Hari ni happy sangat. Walaupun hari ni ada writing and listening test, tapi kelas kembali ceria ketika menonton rakaman video-video setiap kumpulan. Dan buat kali yg terakhirnya, kami menyanyi sambil bljr lagu cina. Tajuknya 'Dui mian de nu hai kan guo lai'. Lagu ni best dan lucu! ^_^
Sebelum kelas tamat, sesi bergambar bermula! Kami bergambar satu kelas yang memang x ramai xuesheng pun. Women 10 ge ren sahaja. Jom layan gambar ni.

Berdiri dari kiri: Ima, Christywati, Jenny, Bharathes, Hakimin, Russiana, Veronica, Izzati
Duduk dari kiri: Fifi (banzhang), Mr Lai Foo Fat( Lai Laoshi), Azimah (Fu Banzhang)

Lai Laoshi, xiexie ajar kami bahasa Mandarin. Women xihuan Lai laoshi. hehe..

(^_^) Zaijian!

Monday, March 29, 2010

お誕生日おめでとう ございます!

みんな さん、こんばんは! 

今日は 私の友達の 誕生日です。彼女は ワニ ちゃん です。

ワニちゃん へ:

君の ハッピーバースデイー、

一年に一度 のまほう とくべつな日、


気持ちで つあえる 宝もの

はず貸し がらず「おめでとう」と

マイ ラブ 君のために 送るよ力のかぎり

今まで どれだけ泣いたって、今笑える幸せ があって

ハッピーバースデイー !!!

ぜんぶ のこと も ありがとう ね。

私の友達に なって、ありがとう!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sekitar KLIBF '10


Hari ni agak penat la. Tapi dapat bnyk pengalaman dan pengajaran drpd apa yang dijumpai dan diperhati sepanjang perjalanan hari ni. Pesta Buku Antarabangsa 2010 di PWTC,Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2010) hampir melabuhkan tirainya dalam masa 2 hari sahaja lagi. Disebabkan hal ini, saya telah menggunakan hari Jumaat yang tiada kelas hari ini dengan mengunjungi pesta buku ini. Pelbagai keletah manusia dapat dilihat. Ibu bapa bawa anak pergi lawat booth buku-buku kanak-kanak, alahai comel sangat pemandangan cam tu. Saya suka sangat. So sweet.

Pastu tengok budak-budak sekolah pergi booth yang menjual pelbagai buku latihan yang murah-murah. Diorang jalan berkelompok-kelompok. Alahai, teringat zaman sekolah dulu. Pastu, jalan-jalan kat situ, jumpa booth karangkraf. Masuk situ pun sebab kawan nk beli novel yg memang diskaun yg ditawarkan tu best. Walaupun bnyk jenis majalah yg murah2 belaka, tapi hati ni xtertarik pun. Lepas tgk dan belek2 buku dan majalah2 yg mmg banyak kt situ, boring la plak. Lama plak kawan tu pilih buku. Jadi, memandangkan 3 orang penulis novel yg ada kt booth tu tercongok je, xde peminat yg serbu diorang, jadi apa tunggu lagi? Tangkap gambar ngan diorang la! hihi..walaupun nama x diorang x kenal sgt pn. sebab sy bukan jns yg baca bnyk novel karangkraf pn. tau beberapa org yg famous je. Layan je la gambar ni...


Pastu, jalan2 terserempak booth InTeam Records. Masa tu ada la salah seorang anggota InTeam tu tgh layan peminat yg nak autograf. Nak jugak autograf nya tapi segan la coz xramai org pn masa tu kat booth tu. Jadi, saya berlalu begitu sahaja. Bila jumpa balik kawan2 yg lain setelah kami berpecah tadi, br tau diorg siap ambik gmbr lg ngan InTeam. Alahai, xpe la. May be lain kali la.

Booth yg mmg nk pegi sgt2 adalah Telaga Biru dan Galeri Ilmu Sdn Bhd. Tapi bila smpi kt booth2 tu, x bnyk pilihan la. Diskaun pn just 10% je. Berbanding KLIBF '09,tahun lepas ada buku yg ditawarkan diskaunnya sampai 20%. CD ceramah Ustazah Siti NurBahyah pun lebih mahal berbanding tahun lepas. Tahun ni setiap keping CD berharga RM 10. Tahun lepas RM 5 je. mujurla dh borong 5 keping CD2 tu tahun lepas. Jadi, duit tahun ni sikit je la yg dibelanjakan. Tahun lepas saya belanja melebihi RM100. Tahun ni, RM20.20 je..huhu. Apa yg saya beli ek? Jom layan gambar kat bawah ni:

Macam2 penerbit ada. Overseas and local semua ada.

Sape2 yg lum pergi pesta buku ni, ambik la peluang ni. Setahun sekali je tau pesta buku besar-besaran cam ni. Beli buku sikit pun tak rugi bagi saya. Saya rasa buku la harta yang bernilai. Saya pn lagi suka kalau hadiah birthday, org bagi hadiah buku..huhu. Tapi, please, bukan buku kimia untuk birthday ye. hehe...saje je.
Nak termuntah gak klu ngadap buku kimia je. Saya prefer buku yg light. Santai.
Sebagai rumusan, hari ni saya dpt beli majalah2 yang saya berkenan, selain dpt beg, notebook dan pen free drpd IKIM, sy pn dpt gak pen drpd KPM. Selain itu, saya dh tau jalan nk g PWTC! Senang jek. sebelum ni ingat cam susah je. Lagipun yg tahun lps, sy g dgn rombongan Kelab Sahabat Pustaka UPSI. Naik bas. sbb tu xtau cm ne nk g klu naik LRT. So, sape2 yg nk g PWTC tu, anda boleh naik STAR LRT dr Masjid Jamek. Terus je, dia akan turun di stesen PWTC stelah beberapa stesen dilewati.
Ok lah, itulah laporan dari unit berita Insyirah Sensei. Kalau ada apa2 komen, roger la kat ruangan komen yg disediakan tu ye.
Bye. ^-^

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Suatu perkongsian


Sekarang budak-budak lepasan SPM dan STPM duk sibuk isi borang dan tidak kurang juga ramai yang bersiap sedia dengan segala 'senjata' untuk 'berperang' di medan 'interview' nanti. Tak kira la apa jenis biasiswa yang dipohon, zaman sekarang ni 'interview' la penentu sama ada anda layak menerima biasiswa atau tidak. Tak terkira biasiswa yang ada sekarang ni. Banyak sangat penajanya. Tak macam zaman dulu2. Zaman dulu-dulu, bila anak2 nak pi blajor, mak bapak sibuk pajak rumah, gadai itu ini. Zaman sekarang ni biasiswa yang ditawarkan dah bertambah bilangannya. cam JPA, MARA, KPM, TNB, BNM dan sebagainya...
Sebagai seorang yang dah menempuh pelbagai asam garam 'interview', suka lah kiranya saya berkongsi serba sedikit cerita pasal interview ni. Lepas SPM dan dapat result yang agak baik, saya pun isi la scholarship MARA. Masa tu saya tanda pengkhususan yang dipohon, TESL. Pastu, bila disenarai pendekkan , dapat la peluang di temu duga. Alhamdulillah. Tapi , masa tu hati ni berbelah bagi. Kejap kata nak pi, kejap kata x nak plak. Adoi. Kalau nak pi xda orang nk hantar plak. Hmm, terus ikut hati kata xyah pi la. Isi borang hari tu pn bukannya dengan sepenuh hati nakkan TESL tu. Saya yang sebenar-benarnya hanya minat ngn biasiswa KPM bagi program BPG je. Nak jadik cikgu sains mmg dr awal2 lg. Nak dijadikan cerita, ada sorang kawan ni pn dapat interview yg sama-MARA tu. dia tanya, saya pi x. saya pn kata x pi.xda org yg leh hantar. dia pn discuss ngan parent dia and pastu dia ajak saya pi skali. Masa tu interview tu diadakan di KL, di Bangunan MARA. Mak aih, sebab jauh la xde org leh hantar saya.
Saya dengan x buat sebarang preparation pergi la hadiri interview tu, tumpang family kawan saya tadi. Yang saya tau masa tu, yang penting adalah bawa sijil2 yang ada. Maka, tibalah hari interview. Sampai je kat tempat tu, mak oi, ramai nye calon. bergaya plak tu sorang2. saya tengok baju saya. Ish, aku ni cam rusa masuk kampung je. dari hujung tudung sampai kain baju kurung sume biru. fail yang aku pegang pun biru. ish2 sgt x sesuai. cam selekeh pun ada. padahal biru bukan nye warna feberet aku pun. entah demam apa plak tiba2 jd cek mek biru hari tu. before interviewer panggil masuk, setiap calon mesti wat essay. lupa plak aku apa tajuknya. tapi masa yg diberi singkat je. tercungap-cungap jgk la aku karang essay tu. kan dah cakap td aku datang ngn ZERO PREPARATION. ha,, jadi padan la muka aku.
Sebenarnya essay tu diorang ambik kira untuk tahu penguasaan bahasa Inggeris. Walaupun kat atas result SPM dah tercongok A1 kat situ, may be diorang rasa nak wat lagi banyak tapisan la kot. sbb calon yg ditemu duga mmg ramai. Pastu bila tiba giliran aku, masuk la aku dengan muka x bersalah nya, dan jawab setiap soalan dengan merapu merapan nye. bukannya gagap tapi aku x tau mana pi sume aura aku. rasa cam mayat hidup yg bercakap cam robot je time tu. Setelah bertubi-tubi soklan ditanya, aku pn jawab sedaya yg mampu.Akhirnya, aku cakap 'thanks for interviewing me' before blah dari kamar perbicaraan tu. Haha..memang fail la interview tu. Nak tau sbb apa? diorang ada tanya aku selain drpd TESL-MARA yang aku mintak ni, apa lagi biasiswa lain yang aku pohon? Aku pn cakap la sejujurnya bhw aku mintak BPG -sains and untuk UPU pn Pusat Asasi Sains UM. Interviewer tu bukan main terkejut. may be diorang ingt aku minat gila2 la TESL and may be untuk permohonan lain pn TESL la idamanku. Rupa-rupanya jauh panggang dari api and dah trbukti untuk permohonan lain, sains jugak yg dipohon...
Tapi aku sikit pn x menyesal sbb aku cakap yg betul and dh sah2 diorang dpt detect yg aku xminat sgt TESL. Dan kesudahannya mmg aku xdpt pn biasiswa tu. tp masa tu aku dh daftarkan diri di Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan (KMNS). Dan dh seronok dh bljr kat situ...hehe. Cuma aku kesal la BPG xpanggil2 aku. Xtau la diorg pilih org yg cm ne. nk kata result x bagus, dh cukup bagus la untuk jd cikgu pada hematku. Dan yg aku xpuas ati org yg result lg rendah drpd aku dpt pulak interview BPG tu dan berduyun pulak yg kuar dr KMNS bila dpt BPG. Ish, x aci tul. Tapi x pe la. Aku teruskan perjuangan di KMNS walaupun masa tu bilangan student kt KMNS makin sikit setelah ramai yg dapat tawaran lain. Aku tabahkan hati dan alhamdulillah, akhirnya aku berjaya menamatkan zaman matrikulasi dengan memperoleh PNGK 3.94 dan bersedia menempuh 'perang' seterusnya iaitu alam universiti.
Ha, sebelum terlupa, bagi lepasan matrik aku ada isi jgk BPG skali lagi, tapi hampeh. xdapat gak. dan kawan aku yg result nya lagi rendah jgk yg dapat. alahai, poning den.
Tapi xpe, masih ada rezeki untukku dalam dunia pendidikan ni. Masa isi borang ke IPTA, keempat-empat pilihan pertama out of 8 choices, aku isi bidang pendidikan. Pilihan-pilihannya adalah: UPSI-Pendidikan Sains, USM-Pendidikan dengan Sains Kimia, UTM- Pendidikan dengan Kimia dan UTM-TESL.Haha...ini tindakan berani mati. Orang kata kalau xlepas interview, dah mlepas la sume pilihan-pilihan yang utama dan risiko mendapat course yang dilelong adalah tinggi. Tapi, aku ni keras kepala. Ah, peduli apa aku. Dah aku minat nak jd cikgu je. Nak wat cam ne. Tak dapek den nak nolong aih.
Alhamdulillah, masa bulan 5 tahun 2007 aku dipanggil interview. Sebelum tu, mmg dh jawab ujian MEDSI time kt KMNS lg. Jadi, panggilan interview ni adalah tapisan kedua selepas ujian MEDSI. Aku adalah batch yg pertama yg menghadapi ujian MEDSI ni. Dan utk intrview ni, aku memang dah wat persiapan yg secukupnya. Dan yg paling penting, aku dh x pakai cm interview yg dulu. dh x jd cek mek biru dh. kali ni aku pakai baju colour feberet aku. Purple! baju tu purple + white. sweet gitu.hehe..dan aku tampil dengan semangat berkobar-kobar dan keyakinan yang tinggi untuk temu duga. Aku adalah orang kelapan yg ditemu duga di 'room' tu pada sesi pagi tersebut, di USM Kubang Kerian. Pengalaman interview MARA telah mematangkan aku. Walaupun kali ni jg ramai calon2 nya, tapi aku wat tak nampak je. Aku percaya, setiap org ada rezeki masing2.
Pengalaman interview kali ni mmg menyeronokkan. Interviewer tu siap suruh mengajar lg kt depan diorang. aku pn dengn gaya seorg cikgu, mengajar la. ala, diorg saje je tu, nk tau kita ni brsedia x nk jd cikgu, suara tu kuat tak, tulisan kat papan putih tu pn diorg tgk gak kot. selain mengajar, aku jg dihujani peluru2 brbntuk soklan. tp aku seronok mnjwb nya. x macam ms intrview yg dulu. cm langit ngan bumi. cuma yg sama nya, both were conducted fully in English. before tamat sesi temu duga, diorg tnya aku ni minat aku and apa course2 yg aku apply. aku pn jwb la ngn jujur. siap tambah lg, yg first choice tu, di UPSI aku nk major in chemistry sbb kt application form dia just state pendidikan sains. pastu diorg tanya awak ni minat sains ke, minat TESL coz aku isi jgk TESL untuk 4th choice tu. diorg tnya may b coz BI aku pn ok gak kot..huhu. perasan la plak. ye la, sbb aku cakap fully in English sepanjang sesi temu duga. Aku pn sejujurnya cakap la aku lg minat bidang sains berbanding TESL. Dan, alhamdulillah, bulan 7 tahun 2007 aku mendaftarkan diri di UPSI! So, that's mean aku tlh berjaya mendapat first choice yg aku pilih! pjg je en3 kali ni. Ok lah, sbnrnya ada lg cerita interview ni. hihi..interview biasiswa KPM, khas untuk bakal-bakal cikgu. nnti la cite lain kali. hehe..coz ada kelucuan di situ..
So, diharap adik-adik lepasan SPM yang bakal menempuh interview, ambil la manfaat drpd cite akak ni ye. jgn lupa wat persiapan yg rapi. jwb soklan intrviewer tu jgn kelentong. jwb ngn jujur. mesti ada keyakinan ms jwb soklan.dan penampilan kena jaga jgk tau.jgn lupa ^_^
Ok la. jumpa lagi di lain entri.
selamat malam.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bahangnya kian terasa

Hari ni 23 Mac.Sebulan dari sekarang, saya akan menghadapi final exam untuk semester ini. So, saja2 nak share skit pasal tip2 exam ngn pengunjung blog ni. Harap dapatla memanfaatkan info ni ye..
20 Exam Tips for Students
Praise be to Allaah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger and upon his family and companions.

The Muslim student puts his trust in Allaah when facing the tests of this world, and he seeks His help whilst following the prescribed means, in accordance with the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

“The strong believer is better and is more beloved to Allaah than the weak believer, although both are good. Strive to attain that which will benefit you and seek the help of Allaah, and do not feel helpless.” (Saheeh Muslim, hadeeth no. 2664)

Among those means are the following:

-Turning to Allaah by making du’aa’ in any way that is prescribed in Islam, such as saying, “Rabbiy ishrah li sadri wa yassir li amri (O my Lord, expand my chest and make things easy for me).”

-Getting used to sleeping early and going to exams on time.

-Preparing all required or permitted equipment such as pens, rulers and setsquares, calculators and watches, because being well prepared helps one to answer questions.

-Reciting the du’aa’ for leaving the house: “Bismillaah, tawakkaltu ‘ala Allaah, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah. Allaahumma inni a’oodhu bika an adilla aw udalla, aw azilla aw uzalla, aw azlima aw uzlama, aw ajhala aw yujhala ‘alayya (In the name of Allaah, I put my trust in Allaah, and there is no strength and no power except with Allaah. O Allaah, I seek refuge with You lest I should stray or be led astray, lest I slip (commit a sin unintentionally) or be tripped, lest I oppress or be oppressed, lest I behave foolishly or be treated foolishly).”Do not forget to seek your parents’ approval, for their du’aa’ for you will be answered.

-Mention the name of Allaah before you start, for mentioning the name of Allaah is prescribed when beginning any permissible action; this brings blessing, and seeking the help of Allaah is one of the means of strength.

-Fear Allaah with regard to your classmates, and do not be affected by their anxiety or fear just before the exam, for anxiety is a contagious disease. Instead, make them feel optimistic by saying good words as prescribed in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was optimistic when he heard the name of Suhayl (which means “easy”) and he said: “Things have been made easy for you.” He used to like to hear the words ‘Yaa Raashid, when he went out for any purpose. So be optimistic that you and your brothers will pass this exam.

-Remembering Allaah (dhikr) dispels anxiety and tension. If something is too difficult for you, then pray to Allaah to make it easy for you. Whenever Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) found something too difficult to understand, he would say, “O You Who taught Ibraaheem, teach me; O You Who caused Sulaymaan to understand, cause me to understand.”

-Choose a good place to sit during the exam, if you can. Keep your back straight, and sit on the chair in a healthy manner.

-Look over the exam first. Studies advise spending 10% of the exam time in reading the questions carefully, noting the important words and dividing one’s time between the questions.

-Plan to answer the easy questions first, then the difficult ones. Whilst reading the questions, write notes and ideas which you can use in your answers later.

-Answer questions according to importance.

-Start by answering the easy questions which you know. Then move on to the questions which carry high marks, and leave till the end the questions to which you do not know the answers, or which you think will take a long time to produce an answer or which do not carry such high marks.

-Take your time to answer, for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Deliberation is from Allaah and haste is from the Shaytaan.” (A hasan hadeeth. Saheeh al-Jaami, 3011).

-Think carefully about the answer and choose the right answer when answering multiple-choice questions. Deal with them in the following manner. If you are sure that you have chosen the right answer, then beware of waswasah (insinuating whispers from the Shaytaan). If you are not sure, then start by eliminating the wrong or unlikely answers, then choose the correct answer based on what you think is most likely to be correct. If you guessed at a correct answer then do not change it unless you are sure that it is wrong – especially if you will lose marks for a wrong answer. Research indicates that the correct answer is usually that which the student thinks of first.

-In written exams, collect your thoughts before you start to answer. Write an outline for your answer with some words which will indicate the ideas which you want to discuss. Then number the ideas in the sequence in which you want to present them.

-Write the main points of your answer at the beginning of the line, because this is what the examiner is looking for, and he may not see what he is looking for if it is in the middle of the page and he is in a hurry.

-Devote 10% of the time for reviewing your answers. Take your time in reviewing, especially in mathematical problems and writing numbers. Resist the desire to hand in the exam papers quickly, and do not let the fact that some people are leaving early bother you. They may be among the people who have handed in their papers too early.

-If you discover after the exam that you answered some questions incorrectly, then take that as a lesson in the importance of being well prepared in the future, and not rushing to answer questions. Accept the will and decree of Allaah and do not fall prey to frustration and despair. Remember the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), “If anything befalls you, do not say, ‘If only I had done such and such.’ Rather say, ‘Qadar Allaah wa maa sha’a kaan (the decree of Allaah and what He wills happened),’ for saying ‘if only’ opens the door for the Shaytaan.” (Saheeh Muslim, and the first part of this hadeeth was mentioned above).

-Note that cheating is haraam whether it is in foreign language tests or any other tests. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Whoever cheats is not one of us.” It is wrongdoing and it is a haraam means of attaining a degree or certificate, etc., that you have no right to. The consensus is that cheating is a kind of cooperation in sin and transgression. So do without that which is haraam, and Allaah will suffice you from His bounty. Reject all offers of haraam things that come to you from others. Whoever gives up a thing for the sake of Allaah, Allaah will compensate him with something better. You have to denounce and resist evil, and tell the authorities about any such thing that you see during the exam, or before or after it. This is not the forbidden kind of slander rather it is denouncing evil which is obligatory.
Advise those who buy or sell questions or post them on the Internet etc., or who prepare cheat notes. Tell them to fear Allaah, and tell them of the ruling on what they are doing and on the money they earn from that. Tell them that the time they are spending in preparing these haraam things, if they spent it in studying, or answering previous exams, or helping one another to understand the subject before the exam, that would be better for them than doing these haraam things.

- Remember what you have prepared for the Hereafter, and the questions of the examination in the grave, and how to be saved on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is saved from the Fire and admitted to Paradise will indeed have succeeded.

We ask Allaah to make us succeed in this world and cause us to be among those who are victorious and saved in the Hereafter, for He is the All-Hearing Who answers prayer.

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Friday, March 12, 2010


SPM: 7,987 cemerlang

Seramai 7,987 calon Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2009 memperoleh gred cemerlang (A+, A, dan/atau A-) bagi semua mata pelajaran yang diduduki.

Daripada jumlah itu, seramai 255 calon mendapat gred cemerlang tertinggi A+ iaitu 214 calon dari sekolah Kementerian Pelajaran manakala 41 calon lagi merupakan calon persendirian, swasta dan sekolah tajaan agensi.

Pada keseluruhannya pencapaian calon kali ini amat membanggakan dan melebihi pencapaian tahun sebelumnya.

Pencapaian calon mengikut lokasi bandar dan luar bandar juga menunjukkan peningkatan berbanding tahun sebelumnya.

Sumber: Utusan Malaysia Online

Tahniah kepada mereka yang berjaya!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

.:A beautiful story:.

Malak, the young girl

This is a true story about a girl who lived in Oman, and was Omani. The people who told her story are her best friend and some members of her family. The story starts when a young Omani man married a western woman. The woman stayed on her Christian religion, but she came to live in Oman with her husband. The man had a good job and was wealthy. They had some children, but they lacked a family. This story is very sad because it talks about THE TRUTH; The truth that was so bitter for one of their daughters. I will call her Malak, it means angel. That is what she turned out to be later, so there is no better name to call her.

Malak lived a life of luxury and wealth. She had whatever anyone would dream to have.The only thing that this young girl lacked was a family.

Malak wanted someone there for her to spend time with, and to confide in.The only people who she could turn to were the other rich girls who led a life similar to hers. They spent their time with friends basically having fun, as it would be called. There was no one to interfere with them, they could do whatever they please.

In one of the vacations they decided to go to Salalah for a couple of days.

There was Malak and her best friend and six boys that went with them. They took two rooms, one, which the boys slept in, and the other where she and her friend slept in. They would all stay together in one room, or in the clubs then they would go to sleep around two in the morning. This is how much freedom these girls had. At least that is what they considered freedom.

Malak and her best friend both had boyfriends, so once they wanted to hang around somewhere without being disturbed by the others. They decided to go to her friend's house because there was no one there.

So they sat together in the living room for sometime, then her friend wanted to go into one of the rooms with her boyfriend, and she told Malak that she could also go into any of the rooms if she wanted to.

Malak preferred to stay in the living room and talk to her boyfriend. After some time her friend called her, so she and her boyfriend both went. When they did they were astonished to see their two friends in such a shameful way. Malak was so furious that she slapped her friend and told her, " How dare you?" Then she stormed out of the house, full of feelings that she had felt for the first time in her life.

For the first time she felt that her life was worthless. She just needed somewhere to run to be comforted.

She went to her house,only to hear the loud music playing and the voices of her siblings with their friends. Oh how she hated all those things that happened in that house. She ran to her room for comfort, only to find all those horrible paintings and posters staring at her. She pulled them all down and broke them. She felt very tired after that, but relieved.

Now she needed to pray, she went to their living room, because it was quiet so that she can pray. She wanted to pray, she needed to pray, but she didn't know how! She went into the toilet and got her whole body wet, because she had no idea how to perform wudhu. Then she found her grandmother's prayer mat and she stood on it, not knowing what to do.

Then she just did what her heart told her to do, she prostrated (did sujud) and just talked to God. She stayed like that for one whole hour. She just poured her heart out to her Creator. She felt much better after that, but there was more that she wanted to do now.

She remembered her uncle, whom she hadn't seen for a very long time, because he was not on good terms with her father. He was the person who could help her. She planned to go to his house, but she absolutely couldn't go there dressed the way she was. She tried to find something suitable to wear, she couldn't. All her clothes exposed her body. Then she remembered that her aunt had once given her an abaya and veil and the holy Qur'an. She went and got them all out, wore the Abaya and veil, then she called her grandmother's driver to take her to her uncle's house.

When she got there, her uncle's wife opened the door. Malak threw herself into her arms and cried her heart out.

The aunt understood what happened, so she called her husband. When Malak saw her uncle, she did the same, she just hugged him tight and cried. The uncle didn't even recognize his niece at first because he hardly sees her. When he understood who she was, he comforted her and sat with her and talked to her.

Malak had later said that this was the first time that she ever felt love and care. Then she asked to see one of her cousins. When her cousin came, she asked her to teach her how to pray. After she learned the prayers, she said I don't want anyone to come in this room, I want to be alone for three days.

Then she asked her uncle, "How long would it take me to memorize the holy Quran." The uncle said that she would need at least five years to do that. She was not happy, she said," I could die before five years had passed."

So she started her mission, she started memorizing the Qur'an. Malak was so much happier and at peace with herself in this new lifestyle. After about two months her father finally realized that his daughter was not in the house and started to inquire about her!

He was infuriated to discover that she was in his brother's house. He went to take her from there, but she refused to go back to their house. Finally Malak decided to go live in her grandfather's house, so as to solve the problem.

What's important is that Malak did reach her goal, she memorized the holy Qur'an in three months only! Now she called her uncle and his family to come over so that they could celebrate the occasion. She told them to hurry. They were all so happy and excited and they went quickly.
When they got there, they were told that she was praying. A long time passed and she still didn't come, so her cousins decided to go see her. They saw her on the prayer mat holding the holy Qur'an in her arms, lying dead. Yes you all read that sentence correctly, she had died holding the holy book in her arms near the heart that memorized it.

The whole family was devastated at her death, but now they had to bury her quickly. They called her father, but she had told her grandfather that she doesn't want her mother to come if she had not converted to Islam. Her sister and brother also came. Then they started washing her. It was the first time for her cousins to wash someone, but they did it anyway, because they were the closest people to her. They said that they felt other people helping them, people that they couldn't see. They had prepared the Kafan (the white cloth that the dead person is wrapped in), but it had disappeared.

They started looking for it everywhere, but they couldn't find it. Then to their surprise in one of the corners of the house they found another Kafan that had the most beautiful smell. So they had no choice but to use this Kafan. When the men went to pray for her, there were six men, dressed in green.

These six men also prayed for her, then they carried her to the graveyard and they buried her. These six men were not members of the family, they were strangers. After the burial, these men disappeared and no one knew who they were or where they came from.

There is no doubt about whom they are and where they came from. They were angels and they came from up above to take the body of the pure Malak and treat it the way God wants. Malak deserved to be buried by angels not humans, because she had reached a higher standard than most other humans had.

The sad thing is that there are many like Malak in Oman and in other Islamic communities. I just hope that everyone spreads this story so that we could learn from this live example. To all the men and women, when it comes to marriage don't just think of love and lust, think of the children that are going to come.

Choose good parents for you children before you bear them. Remember that there is death and judgment and then heaven or hell.

Take good care of your families and nurture them with love and care,and sow faith in their hearts.

Like Malak, with all that she had, she never really felt happy until she found her path back to Allah. Without faith there is no happiness or contentment.

JazakAllahu khair for reading.....
I got an email of this article from the author of
The author give the permission to post this article, as long as the source link is added. Thanks for reading. Just spread this story amongst your friends, hopefully we got something to learn for a lesson from this beautiful story.

Friday, March 5, 2010

tension,sad,happy...hmm..Let's call it a day,today!

Assalamualaikum to my beloved readers! Hehe..beloved la plak ea..

takpe2. hari ni saja nak merelease tension. merelease? apa la insyirah sensei ni kan?rojak-rojakkan bahasa. cikgu apakah ini?toing3...

this whole week, i'm tired for the various exams. on monday, i had the mid-term exam for instrumental analytical chemistry. then, on thursday, i had 2nd quiz of physics at 8.15 am and followed by mid-term exam of coordination chemistry at 10 am! today, i had mid-term exam of physics!Sore kara, i'm free now!

Aa,chotto!!!Proposal no koto wa mada aru kedo! Yappari, taaaakusan shukudai ga aru yo! Proposal no koto shi, TSE no assignment shi, flash wo benyou shinakereba narimasen, ato wa mandarin no assignment.

Ee, mandarin? Aa, mandarin wa daiiiisuki desu! Laoshi wa shinsetsu na hito shi, atama mo ii, kao mo hansamu. Itsumo, kurasu no naka ni, atashi wa tanoshii desu. Kyou mo, atashi wa laoshi ni aimashita. Atashi to russiana san wa laoshi no heya he ikimashita. watashitachi wa kono bideo no kaiwa to folio no koto mo laoshi ni kikimashita. zenbu wa daijyoubu desu.

DEMO, hitotsu koto wa atashi ga KIRAI!!!
ano hito wa kono meeting ni kinai. atashi wa meseji wo agete, mo hanashimashita. kurasu no toki, 'daijyoubu,ok' tte oshiete, demo nan demo shinai. meseji mo reply ja nai shi,meeting he kinai. atashi wa honto ni kirai!! attitude ga nai. kono hito wa teacher-to-be desu ka?kashira.sono attitude wa warui deshou. atashi wa shinsetsu na hito yo. at least, meseji wo agete kurete. hitotsu meseji wo agete kurete dake, ii n desu yo. at least, let me know.hah, mo ii insyirah sensei.huk3. ima, 'latent' no tension wa released. goes to my younger sis. her en3 gives me an idea on how to release my tension for today. apa2 pn, apa yang penting?sabarrr...

Ha...bercakap pasal sabar ni kan, teringat kuliah pengajian wanita kat auditorium tengah hari tadi. Tadi Ustazah Ariza tau yang bagi kuliah.Best sangat! nak tau apa tajuk dia? hihi...tajuknye..Senibina Rumahtangga Menurut Rasulullah S.A.W. Setakat ni, alhamdulillah,saya belum lagi ketinggalan setiap sesi kuliah pengajian wanita tu. Kuliah ni khas untuk para muslimat. ianya diadakan setiap hari Jumaat pukul 12.30 tgh hari hingga 2 ptg. Ha,masa tu muslimin sume pi solat Jumaat. Semester lepas ia dikenali sebagai program bicara wanita.
So, dengan adanya kuliah untul para muslimat yang sebegini amatlah baik. Syabas kepada pusat islam UPSI kerana mengadakan kuliah sebegini.Setiap minggu,topik yang dibicarakan lain-lain tau. ikut tema. dia gilir2 tema,contohnya kesihatan, fiqah, rumahtangga, dan lain2. yang tema rumahtangga la yang syok tu..aduhai.
Ok, berbalik kepada topik sabar tadi.Semasa kuliah tadi ustazah kata sabar ni elemen paling penting dalam hidup berkeluarga.satu cerita yang ustazah kongsikan tadi yang terngiang-ngiang dan masih 'vibrate' di 'eardrum'ku. cewah...(^-^).
ustazah kata dalam keluarga sabar tu penting.bila dah berkeluarga ngan 'dia', kena sabar dengan apa2 je kerenah dia. sebab dia manusia, kita pun manusia gak. masing2 ada keletah.lagipun, perempuan dan lelaki jauh bezanya. ok, kalau bab kita sewa rumah ngan kawan, bila tak 'ngam', leh cari rumah sewa lain and pindah. tapi, bila dah kawin, kalau tak 'ngam' ngan dia, leh ke kita cari yang 'lain'? ha..itu tak boleh,kan. Jadi, sabar la. Bagi ku, topik sabar ni menarik. tak sabar rasanya nak tunggu kuliah seterusnya minggu depan.tapi tajuk apa ye.lupa nak tanya tajuk untuk minggu depan tadi.
tak salah saya kira, bila berkongsi ilmu ni kat sini,kan.bak kata orang sharing is, ilmu rumahtangga ni mesti kita cari waktu umur 20-an ni. takkan nak tunggu bila dh kawin br nk cari ilmu,sbb ilmu ni penting dalam membina keluarga. kata ustazah lagi, ilmu nak bina keluarga ni banyak. ilmu rumahtangga, ilmu pasal anak-anak dan sebagainya.masa muda ni lah masa yang paling sesuai untuk cari ilmu.ilmu tu terlalu luas,wahai kawan2 ku. Doakan daku agar istiqamah dalam mencari ilmu demi meraih keredhaan-Nya.
Ok, that's all for today.I just want to call it as a day today. Ja, i'm off to bed. Tomorrow i have another programme. i'll tell u about it soon. (only if i have mood...hihi).

-Good night, sweet dream-
Ja ne, minna san. mata aimashou...